


Lesson Descriptions
Beginner Flat (English or Western): never ridden up to learning to canter/lope, most riders spend 1-2 years in this.
Intermediate Flat (English or Western): can sit/steer at the canter/lope with a group, trot without stirrups, not interested in jumping
Jumping Level 1: can sit/steer at the canter with a group of horses, 2 point at trot and posting trot without stirrups
Jumping Level 2: one year or more jumping lessons, cantering into 2’ jumps understanding striding
Jumping Level 3: two years or more of jumping, cantering/jumping without stirrups, up to 2’6” (note those with own horses may jump higher, as our lesson horses jump 4-5 times a week, and we strive to keep them sound and happy.)
Classes with 3 or less riders may be cancelled or combined.

WAIVER -- Acknowledgement of RISK and RELEASE of LIABILITY –“For All Participants ”--Please Read Fully
The Parent/Guardian/Participant must Read and Understand prior to Participating in Equine Activities. By Selecting Yes to each of these questions and submitting the form the Parent/Guardian/Participant has read it and states that they understand it. The Parent/Guardian/Participant further state they am aware that by submitting this form they waive certain legal rights they and the Parent/Guardian/Participant and/or there “Legal Representatives” might have against Paints Plus Equine Center and its employees.


YARD RULES • Outside between pens and arena, dispose of your horse’s manure in a pen or manure spreader or use the muck tubs provided. Do not lead horses behind vehicles, across parking lot or on ice or grass. • Please do not touch or feed any lesson horses or give treats to other people’s horses. • Chop apples/carrots for lesson horses and put in feed tubs or nose bags. • When in yard, barn or arenas, all horses must be supervised and have a halter, rope or bridle on for control. • Smoking and swearing is prohibited on the on the property. • No dogs allowed in arenas or yard. No horses/people in front/back yard of our house without us there.
TACKING AREA RULES • Barn and Arena doors are to be kept closed. Windows may be opened in summer months to cool barn, but please close before you go. • Please only tie horses in grooming stalls in barn or to rings outside of indoor arena SE corner or to outdoor arena fence posts (not rails). No loose horses in grooming stalls unless eating/supervised. • Sweep up dirt/hair and your horse’s manure BEFORE and AFTER riding, using shovels and tubs provided. • Put grooming equipment away during your ride. PPEC is not responsible for lost or stolen articles. • Anyone caught by security cameras as having not cleaned up will get a $10/incident clean-up charge added. • Last person out of the tacking area & arena, please turn off all inside lights. Outside lights and stairway are on timers.
TACK ROOM RULES & INFO • Check instructor lists on door to see which horse you are assigned. There is also a map of where each pen is. • There is a picture and colored info label above each horses hook. The saddle you choose must be the same color to fit the horse. Seat size is for rider. (Note: English saddles measure 2" bigger than western. Most adults ride in 15-16" western/17-18" English, and kids 12-14" western/14-16" English.) • Grooming buckets should not be brought out until horse is caught and unblanketed, so no other horse tries to steal the wrong food. They should be put back on hooks while riding as others may use the stall. • After your lesson, please put tack away neatly in correct spot, with bucket at front of hook, halter (done up) next, then bridle, and if they have their own English breastplate, girth and 2nd pad at back. Halter and bridle should be hung front crown piece (top between ears) and reins folded in half so they don't touch ground or interfere with lower hooks. Do not leave western saddle stirrups over horn as it bends the seat. Western breastplates stay attached to most pink saddles. No saddles on floor at any time please. Feed bags/tubs should be in each bucket on top so easy to refill the next day.
ARENA RULES • Everyone riding or working at PPEC must read, understand & sign/submit a Release of Liability Waiver. • General riding is allowed in the arenas during lessons, however the lesson instructor has control of the arena. • Dress Code for safety: Heeled footwear, long pants (without holes & no gap between socks and pants), sleeved shirts that cover stomach (no tanks tops) are mandatory while riding. No sandals or crocs in tacking area, arenas or horse pens. • ASTM Approved Riding Helmets are mandatory for riders under 18, and for all riders while in lessons. • Please adhere to the following arena etiquette: When you are entering the indoor arena, open door slowly and announce yourself by saying “Door!”. Check your girth and tack before mounting. If a jumping lesson is in progress, familiarize yourself with the course being ridden so as not to get caught in an unsafe location. Horses in lesson have the right of way. • If a rider and/or horse should fall or in case of a power outage, STOP all movement immediately and listen to instructors instructions. Backup lights should go on.
LESSON HORSE RULES • Arrive at least ½ hour before your lesson to catch and tack and wait for instructor or TA to arrive to assist except age 5-7 groups 15 minutes ahead is fine. • Cross tie horses in grooming stalls (attach only one when horse eating but as soon as done both should be attached to halter. You may tie to outdoor arena post if tacking outside. • Winter Blankets - undo back first and do up front first on winter blankets correctly to avoid injuries to people or horses and destruction of blankets. Make sure clips are closed properly as sometimes they stick. • Always groom, tack-up and cool-out your horse as per lesson instructors or TA’s directions. • Use only tack/supplies designated for your lesson horse. If you cannot locate something, please ask. • Please pick-up manure & sweep barn before and after riding. Grooming buckets should be put away during lesson. Keep your stuff upstairs or in your locker. PPEC is not responsible for lost or stolen articles. • Do not hand feed the horses unless instructed to use a treat to catch. Put approved treats in their buckets. • If you observe something that you don’t think is right, alert the instructor or TA, don’t attempt to correct alone. • Please do not “beautify” the lesson horses (no cutting manes/tails, no braids left in when turned out.)
Make-Up Lessons may be arranged if space within the current lesson session if we get at least 1 weeks notice by emailing or text/call your instructor - cell numbers are on lesson page below each picture. Makeup lessons cannot be carried over as a credit between sessions. We may offer makeup lessons for last minute cancellations if they are due to sickness or something out of your control.
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