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Between Paints-Plus Equine Center (PPEC) and the Boarder (named below) |
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1. PPEC will generally care for the Horse according to the prudent practices of horse care management and will provide the Horse accommodations, services and feed as specified above. PPEC Premise ID number is AA02EHBPR. Info:$department/deptdocs.nsf/all/trace12354 |
2. PPEC may in emergency situations, and at such other times as it in its sole discretion deems fits, obtain veterinary care for the Horse, and the Boarder shall pay the cost of such veterinary care immediately upon receipt of an invoice in respect thereof. In the case of the Horse’s death, or apparent injury or sickness, PPEC shall notify the Boarder promptly. Notwithstanding the foregoing, PPEC shall not be liable for any damages whatsoever occurring as a result of any veterinary care so obtained, nor for any failure to obtain vet care. |
3. The Boarder hereby covenants to keep the Horse in good health and to provide, at the Boarder’s expense, all proper veterinary care including, without limitation, all reasonable vaccinations and other medications of a preventative nature, and further covenants and agrees to provide proof of such proper health care of the Horse from time to time as may be required by PPEC. In event of any sickness, injury or other damage to the Horse the onus shall, in all cases be on the Boarder to show that the same arose out of a breach of PPEC’s duties hereunder or out of any breach of duty of care. |
4. The Boarder shall at no time undertake activities at PPEC which conflict with the activities and objectives of PPEC without the express written permission of PPEC and without restricting the generality of the foregoing. The Boarder shall not provide for any remuneration whatsoever, any riding associated instruction or any other services normally provided at PPEC. |
5. The parties agree to the current board rates above. |
6. PPEC will deworm all boarded horses 3-4 times per year. Annual booster vaccinations for flu/rhino (EHV-1), sleeping sickness/tetanus/west nile virus will be done every May at the expense of the boarder. There will be a $10 catching/handling fee for each occasion. An additional booster for flu/rhino may be recommended in Sept. |
7. The Boarder will indemnify and save harmless PPEC from all claims, demands, suits, liabilities, costs (including legal costs as between solicitor and client) or actions of any kind or nature arising out of the Boarder’s use of the facilities or the Boarder’s activities at PPEC, or arising out of any breach of non-performance by the Boarder of any covenant or provision hereof or arising out of any personal injury or damage to property caused or contributed to by the Horse or its Tack and Equipment. |
8. The Boarder shall have access to the facilities of PPEC at such times as may be established from time to time by schedule provided by PPEC, such access being conditional upon the Boarder obeying and following all rules and regulations that may now be in effect or hereafter made by PPEC governing conduct and use of the facilities. |
9. The Boarder hereby agrees to obey all rules and regulations now in effect or hereinafter made by PPEC, including, without limitation, times as established by the schedule referred to in paragraph 8 hereof and shall at all times observe and obey the generally accepted practices of horse care, management and operations. |
10. The Boarder hereby agrees to pay PPEC prior to or on the commencement date one month’s cost of space as shown above hereof and further agrees to pay the monthly cost of space each month in advance. The Boarder hereby further agrees to pay the balance of the charges made by PPEC pursuant to this Agreement immediately upon presentation of an invoice for the same by PPEC. Payment shall be made by cheque (payable to Lisa Harrison) or use to E-transfer (use your horses name as security question) or Paypal (3% service fee will be added to Paypal customers). Late payments will be charged $5/day starting the 5th of each month. In the event that payment is not received within thirty days from the date of the invoice or the date on which the payment for space became due, actions may be taken to collect arrears through the Animal Keeper’s Act ( After 60 days if the payment is not received, the horse and tack locker contents will become the property of PPEC. |
11. The Agreement may be cancelled by either party on thirty (30) days written notice to the other party, or in the case of the Boarder, payment for space in lieu of notice. In the event that the Boarder at the end of such notice fails immediately to remove the Horse from PPEC, PPEC shall be entitled to charge and the Boarder hereby agrees to pay an occupancy charge. The Boarder may not remove the Horse from PPEC until all sums due under this Agreement are paid in full. Upon failure to pay the said sums in full, PPEC shall be entitled to remove the Horse and/or commence sale proceedings pursuant to the Animal Keeper’s Act of Alberta. Notwithstanding the foregoing, PPEC may without notice terminate this Agreement for cause, including without limitation, failure or refusal to obey rules and regulations of PPEC or non-observance of any of the covenants or provisions hereof. |
12. In the event the Horse issued or ridden by any person other than the Boarder with the Boarder’s consent (expressed or implied), the Boarder shall nonetheless be fully responsible for the actions and activities of any such person and must ensure they sign a waiver: and the Boarder shall ensure that all rules and regulations, are obeyed and the provisions of this Agreement adhered to. |
13. If the boarded horse is leased by a current student, 10% of the lease fee will be kept by PPEC. The boarder may find a leasor that has not been a past or current student and keep the entire lease fee. |
14. The Boarder hereby acknowledges that PPEC, its servants or agents, are not responsible for the supervision of the use of the Horse or equipment of the Boarder by the Boarder or his immediate family or by anyone authorized (expressed or implied) by the Boarder or his immediate family to use the Horse. Neither PPEC, nor its servants shall be liable for any loss, injury, damage or death however caused by the Boarder or the aforesaid representative of the Boarder to persons, vehicles, Horse, equipment, or property of any kind at PPEC or while using the facilities of PPEC. |
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WAIVER -- Acknowledgement of RISK and RELEASE of LIABILITY –“For All Participants ”--Please Read Fully |
The Parent/Guardian/Participant must Read and Understand prior to Participating in Equine Activities. By Selecting Yes to each of these questions and submitting the form the Parent/Guardian/Participant has read it and states that they understand it. The Parent/Guardian/Participant further state they am aware that by submitting this form they waive certain legal rights they and the Parent/Guardian/Participant and/or there “Legal Representatives” might have against PPEC and its employees. |
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• When in yard, barn or arenas, all horses must be supervised and have a halter, rope on bridle on for control.
• Please do not hand feed any horses or give treats to other people’s horses without permission. Chop apples.
• Smoking and swearing is prohibited on the on the property. No dogs allowed as we already have 3.
• Please respect the privacy of the yard areas in front and behind the house. Do not enter the back yard.
• In the yard, dispose of your horse’s manure in a pen or manure spreader or use the muck tubs provided. |
• Barn and Arena doors are to be kept closed. Windows may be opened in summer months to cool barn, but remember to close after.
• Please only tie horses in grooming stalls in barn or to rings outside of indoor arena by outdoor arena.
• Sweep up dirt/hair and your horse’s manure BEFORE and AFTER riding, using shovels and tubs provided.
• Put grooming equipment away during your ride. PPEC is not responsible for lost or stolen articles.
• Anyone caught by security cameras as having not cleaned up will get a $10/incident clean-up charge added.
• Extra Feed can be fed in barn or outside and is to be stored in mouse proof containers in lockers or at home.
• Garbage cans have been provided.
• Anyone wanting to use their own farrier, vet or therapist may use the barn during non-lesson times, or outside anytime. No nails in manure tubs! Barn farrier comes every second Tuesday morning 8am-1pm so please don’t conflict. See website calendar.
• Last person out of the barn & arena, please turn off all inside lights. Outside lights are on timers. |
• Everyone riding or working at PPEC must read, understand & sign/submit a Release of Liability Waiver.
No one is to ride in lessons or otherwise, this includes riding your horse, without first submitting a waiver or lesson/board agreement.
• Barn hours are 8am-10pm. See website calendar for closures for maintenance, clinics, shows or camps.
• No lungeing in arena during lessons or when there are 3 or more riders in the arena. Only 1 horse at a time.
• General riding is allowed in the arenas during lessons. However, as a suggestion, familiarize yourself with the lesson schedule on website or posted on the tack room door and try to arrange your riding at the least congested times.
• The lesson instructor has control of the arena and tacking area during lessons. Please listen to their requests.
• Manure in the arenas breaks down and create dust, so please pick up any manure in the arenas when you are done riding using the fork and manure bucket provided.
• Heeled footwear and long pants are mandatory while riding. No sandals or bare feet when near any horse.
• ASTM Approved Riding Helmets are mandatory for riders under 18, and for all riders while in lessons.
• No riders under the age of 18 may ride/handle a horse alone. Riders 14-17 must have a companion present.
All riders under the age of 14 must be accompanied by a responsible adult when at PPEC, unless in a lesson.
• No jumping (including free/chute jumping) unless you are in a lesson with a PPEC instructor. No exceptions.
• For jumping shows, all riders from PPEC must take their coach or get approval from their coach to go without.
• Please adhere to the following arena etiquette: When you are entering the indoor arena, look through window to see when its safe and announce yourself by saying “Door!” before you open it. Check your girth and tack before mounting. If a jumping lesson is in progress, familiarize yourself with the course being ridden so as not to get caught in an unsafe location. If horses are working both ways in the ring, pass left to left. Walking horses should be to the inside if busy. If a rider and/or horse should fall, STOP all movement immediately. Listen to the instructions of any instructor present. If no instructor is in the arena, make sure both horse and rider are okay before resuming your ride. In case of a power outage, stop immediately and dismount. The emergency lighting should go on. Don’t resume your ride until the power has been restored if dark. |
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I have read this form (as indicated by my responses above) and I state that I understand it. I further state I am aware that submitting this form, waives certain legal rights the Boarder/Parent/Guardian/Participant and/or our “Legal Representatives” might have against PPEC and its employees. |
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Do not submit until you have read and understand all items above |
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