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The Fastest and Easiest-to-Use Website Forms.                Guaranteed.

Best. Website Forms. Ever.

Build Your Own Forms - FAQs

How do I access the submitted form data?
  1. Receive emails receipts of the form data after each submission.
  2. View the individual submissions in the Members Area
  3. Download the results in an Excel formatted text file (.CSV)
Do the forms redirect visitors away from my site?
No - we use IFRAME tags that embeds the form into your pages and keeps it there. Your visitors will never see our site or know that the form data is being processed somewhere else.

How much do your forms cost?
We have yearly service agreements per form. You can view the prices here: Features & Pricing

Are there any hidden or extra fees?
Nope. The only extra fees that you would see is if you exceed the submission limits for the form.

Why makes your service different from other managed form sites out there? was developed to be simple yet cool. It was built from the perspective of a web developer - not a database admin. Using means that your visitors see top-quality, professional-looking forms on your site - not a page on the form services website that they made up to look like yours. What happens when you update your site? - You have to update it in both places.

Why is your service better than formmail?
We will never talk down about a competitors product or service. However, we will highlight features or functions that some of the other services might not be able to provide you with :)
  1. We offer a service, not a script - This means that we will help you in whatever ways we can to build the best form for your site and work with you to make sure that it is a success.
  2. Our service allows you to quickly build forms without designing them in raw HTML - so you don't need to know any programming.
  3. The form data is saved to a secure MySQL database on our server, not a vulnerable text file.
  4. The form submissions are interpreted and processed - we don't simply show you a "This form is incomplete" message and tell you to click back to try again. We highlight the missing fields and explain which fields are missing so that your visitors feel guided and you receive better information.
Do I need to know how to write HTML?
No - absolutely not. Our service was specifically designed to build professional web forms for people that have little or no programming experience. Our Instant Forms library provides a quick way for people to get a form online in mins instead of days or hours.

What features do you have that are better than your competition?
Again, we refuse to negatively refer to our competitors - they all have strengths and weaknesses. We believe that our strength is the ability for you to get a good-looking, professional form on your site in minutes. Visitors can use the form without leaving your site - without ads!

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