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The Fastest and Easiest-to-Use Website Forms.                Guaranteed.

Best. Website Forms. Ever.

Three Design Principles For Online Form Success

Hi and welcome to, the home of instant and professional forms for your website.

My name is Ian Duncan, and for the past five years I’ve been perfecting the art of developing custom forms for small and medium-sized businesses. It didn’t take too long for me to recognize the importance of forms for interacting with website visitors and online customers and since that time I have developed proven strategies and combined them with industry best-practices to ensure that the online forms I produce and sell are the best available. Let me run through a few of my design principles with you to show you just how powerful my forms really are.

#1 Keep It Clean
You see, the simple truth of it all is that a professionally-designed form is easier to use and builds trust, and I know that when I am entering my credit card information into an online form, I want it to be as simple to use as possible and I also want to make sure I trust the website owner. Let’s face it, any form that uses big bright fonts or some other informal colors that make it look hard to read or just doesn’t look “business-like” doesn’t impress me much, and it certainly doesn’t instill trust in me that my online transaction will be completed to my satisfaction. That’s why I use clean and simple fonts that are easy to read, and I guide the visitor in a logical way through the form that is easy for them to understand. And then we give you easy-to-use tools that allow you to customize the form exactly to your liking.

#2 Capturing Quality Content
How many of you have ordered something online and the website had to contact you afterwards to get your mailing address to send it to you? I know that I sure have .. as a customer I didn’t pay attention to that at the time because I was too excited about making my purchase, but it sends a signal to people that are about to order something from you if you are asking for too much information, or then again, in my example – not enough. There is a delicate balance between scaring people off with a form that is too-lengthy or time-consuming and the opposite – not knowing what to ask. What I’m trying to get at here is that each form should fill a specific need – don’t kill your visitors with questions about their date of birth if all you’re selling is shoes. Its pretty common sense, but its also a pretty common mistake.

#3 Keep the visitors on your website.
Don’t use form services that send your information to another website to say thank you or sorry – you missed your first name in a different color or theme than your site. If you’re going to use a form processing service – use one that displays and processes the forms in your site. We use a IFRAME short for “inline frame” which is essentially a window in your page – and when you paste the HTML code we supply you for a form it creates a window in your page that displays, processes and saves the form data on your site – not someone else’s. This way is much cleaner, easier for the visitor to understand and certainly looks more professional. I look at it like this - a form that sends me to another site and simply says thank you doesn’t impress me much.

Thank you for your time – I want you to know that we are here to help – please don’t hesitate to contact us at any time with any type of form-related question, thank you ..

And I look forward to working with you!

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